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Why Are Some People NOT Open to Exploring New Theological Positions?

Mark Virkler's picture

With thousands of churches holding thousands of different theological beliefs, what is the chance that my theology is correct, perfect, and completely true? I’m going to assume there’s very little chance that my theology is totally correct and completely perfect.

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The Love Story Library - A Service Ministry of Communion with God Ministries

Mark Virkler's picture

You probably know about Communion with God Ministries from a live or virtual seminar by Mark or Charity, or through our many resources for adult Christian education. It is true that these are the heart of our ministry – our reason for being – but there is more that we do.

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My Life as a Pastor Will Never Be the Same

Charity Kayembe's picture

Last fall I had the privilege of ministering at Gloriepoort church near Antwerp. It’s always exciting to hear what happens in people’s lives after we leave a city – “the rest of the story” in their dream journey. I love learning that churches have started dream groups to continue developing the culture of dreaming in their lives and I praise God for this wonderful report of what He’s doing in Belgium!

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CLU Graduation - Togo 2017

Mark Virkler's picture

Congratulations to all graduates of Leadership Training Centre who received their CLU degrees in 2017! Special thanks to Gbadamassi Hansindé Inoussa, the director of the school in Togo, West Africa, who has successfully led it for many years.

Bless you all for your diligence, persistance and excellence. May God continue to anoint you as you go forth to minister His grace to others!

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Birthing Ministries Out of Our Pain

Mark Virkler's picture

Your greatest problem, once resolved becomes your greatest ministry.
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those
who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose
 (Romans 8:28).

God brought Jesus Christ through the lineage of David and Bathsheba’s adultery (Matt. 1:6) God saved the nation of Egypt through the jealous actions of Joseph’s brothers (Gen. 50:20). God has used us to teach over one million people how to hear His voice after I was not able to identify it for the first 10 years of my Christian life. God is truly amazing, and will do amazing things through your life if you simply say "Yes, Lord." 

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U.S. Supreme Court Yikes! Should Jesus Have Gotten Upset Over the Roman Government?

Mark Virkler's picture

Yes, I do disagree with many of the recent high profile Supreme Court decisions. I have discovered that if I fix my eyes on the government I will be continuously discouraged and the opportunity to rejoice without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:16; 1 Pet. 1:6), and in everything gave thanks (1 Thess. 5:8) and for everything give thanks (Eph. 5:20) will be vanquished from my life, and I will live depressed! Yuck! So what do I do?

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10 Einstein Quotes Linked to Biblical Principles

Mark Virkler's picture

To my knowledge, Albert Einstein was not a Christian but let’s not forget that God granted revelation to Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar as well. I greatly respect Einstein because I see him releasing God's creativity in the marketplace. He offered divine solutions to solve mankind’s problems. As Christians, is that not what we all hunger to do?

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